Month: December 2017

Effective Altruism Society: Animal Welfare Week

Dear LSE Philosophy students,

The Effective Altruism society has organised several events as part of Animal Welfare Week, starting today Monday 4th of December, co-organised with the Vegetarian and Vegan Society.
We have organised these events with the intention of showcasing some of the opportunities for good to be done in the area of animal welfare and to raise awareness about issues to do with animals at LSE.

  1. Animal Equality stalls – On Monday and Tuesday, from 10-4pm, the charity Animal Equality will be setting up twostalls outside the SU building. They will be discussing animal welfare with students, and will also be revealing what goes on inside slaughterhouses around the world on a daily basis, from various animals’ perspectives through their iAnimal virtual reality experience.
  2. Presentation by Animal Equality – At 6:30 pm on Tuesday 5th December, the Campaigns Manager for Animal Equality, one of the top-rated animal charities in the world, will be talking about the steps we need to take in order to have a better world for animals. The room is CLM.3.04. For more information visit the facebook page. Please click “Going” if you are attending.
  3. Humane League workshop – At 7:00pm on Thursday 7th December, The Humane League, another highly-rated charity, will be giving a workshop introducing participants to their work and also present concrete actions which one can take to reduce animal suffering. The room is CLM.2.06. For more information visit the facebook page. Please click “Going” if you are attending.

We look forward to seeing you at our events this week!
Best Regards,
The LSESU Effective Altruism Committee