Month: December 2018

UConn Graduate Conference

The Philosophy Graduate Student Association at the University of Connecticut is proud to announce its fifth annual graduate conference in philosophy, to be held 20 April 2019. We’re pleased to announce that LA Paul (Yale) will be our keynote speaker.

This conference has an open theme, so we are accepting submissions from any area of philosophy. Please limit submissions to 3000 words for a 25 minute talk.

Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2019

Submissions will be blind reviewed. Please submit an anonymized PDF of your document, along with a cover letter with your paper including your name, institution, email, paper title, paper word count, and an abstract for the paper (no more than 300 words).

Unfortunately we will not have any funds to support travel, but we will be able to house people with other graduate students, as well as pick up speakers from the bus, train or airport free of cost. We will also endeavor to house any visiting non-speakers with graduate students, when possible.


Send submissions and any questions to: uconnphilosophygrad